ANTARES Таблицы Умений


Красота спасет мир - прописная истина, и не случайно слово мода стало чуть-ли не синонимом слова красота. Великолепные платья подчеркивающие красоту женщин, строгие костюмы делающие мужчин элегантными-все что мы носим на себе, стало доступно благодаря ткацкому умению.Опытные швеи могут, взяв в руки всего лишь иголку и нитки, сделать из проигравшего победителя, как на любовном, так и на вполне реальном, боевом фронтах. Обработка кожи различных животных также доступна мастерам шитья. В бою легкая кожаная броня иногда даже лучше тяжелой железной а если она сделана из кожи редкого монстра то обладает уникальными магическими свойствами. Чтобы стать хорошим мастером этого дела необходима усидчивость, и, в конце концов, она всегда щедро вознаграждается.



5 clothes, 5 wool, cut up leather

Tailoring 0.1
Bolt of Cloth
50 clothes, 2 spool of tread
Tailoring 0.1
2 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 0.1
2 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 0.1
12 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 0.1
Body Sash
4 clothes
, spool of tread
Tailoring 4.5
Short Pants
6 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
Floppy Hat
11 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
Feathered Hat
12 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
Tricorne Hat
12 clothes
, spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
Tall Straw Hat
10 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
Straw Hat
7 clothes,
spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
11 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 6.8
Jester Suit
24 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 9.0
5 cut up leather

Tailoring 10.0
Belt Pouch
2 cut up leather
Tailoring 10.0
4 cut up leather,
spool of tread
Tailoring 13.6
Fancy Dress
12 clothes
, spool of tread
Tailoring 13.6
10 cut up leather
Tailoring 15.0
6 cut up leather
, spool of tread
Tailoring 18.1
8 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 22.7
8 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 22.7
Half Apron
6 clothes
, spool of tread
Tailoring 22.7
14 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 25.0
Tigh Boots
10 cut up leather, spool of tread
Tailoring 25.0
Long Pants
8 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 27.2
Jester Hat
15 clothes,
spool of tread
Tailoring 29.9
Full Apron
10 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 31.8
10 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 31.8
Leather Gorget
4 cut up leather, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Cap
2 cut up leather
, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Gloves
3 cut up leather
, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Sleeves
4 cut up leather,
spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Leggings
10 cut up leather
, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Plain Dress
10 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 36.3
Leather Boots
8 cut up leather, spool of tread
Tailoring 36.3
14 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 45.4
4 clothes, 4 wool
Tailoring 50.0
16 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 59.0
Leather Shorts
8 cut up leather,
spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Bustier
6 cut up leather, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Studded Bustier
8 cut up leather, 2 iron ingots,
spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Skirt
6 cut up leather
, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Armor
10 cut up leather, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Leather Tunic
12 cut up leather
, spool of tread
Tailoring 35.0
Studded Gorget
6 cut up leather
, iron ingot, spool of tread
Tailoring 45.0
Studded Gloves
8 cut up leather, iron ingot, spool of tread
Tailoring 45.0
Studded Sleeves
10 cut up leather, 3 iron ingots, spool of tread
Tailoring 45.0
Studded Leggings
12 cut up leather, 4 iron ingots, spool of tread
Tailoring 45.0
Studded Tunic
14 cut up leather, 3 iron ingots, spool of tread
Tailoring 45.0
Ranger's Cape
17 Leather Green Dragon, spool of tread, 38 serpent scale
Tailoring 84.0, Archery 100.1
20 clothes, 10 iron ingots,
Tailoring 90.0
15 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 90.0
50 clothes, spool of tread
Tailoring 90.0
Druid's Robe
50 Leather Gray Dragon, spool of tread, 20 volcanic ash, 30 clothes
Tailoring 90.0, Alchemy 100.1
Ranger's Ability Cloack
50 Leather Green Dragon, spool of tread, 38 serpent scale
Tailoring 100.0, Archery 120.0
Magic Tailor's Gloves
10 golden insots, 10 Leather Wyrm, 500 Wyrm hearts
Tailoring 100.0
Mythic Gloves
10 mytheril ingots, 15 Leather Black Dragon
Tailoring 100.0
Sandals of Harmony
10 Leather Wyrm, Time Cristal, Spider Web (quest)
Tailoring 101.0

Tailoring 60.0
Tailoring 65.0
Tailoring 70.0
Tailoring 73.0
Tailoring 75.0
Tailoring 78.0
Tailoring 80.0
Tailoring 85.0
Tailoring 85.0
Tailoring 90.0
Tailoring 93.0
Tailoring 95.0
Tailoring 98.0 Alchemy 101.0
Tailoring 98.0 Archery 101.0
Tailoring 98.0
Tailoring 98.0
Tailoring 98.0
Tailoring 98.0
Tailoring 100.0
Tailoring 101.0

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